NU 202 :


Faculty of Nursing

Academic Program

Bachelor in Science in Nursing






NU 113


This course deals with concepts, principles & techniques of history taking, physical examination (head to toe) using various tools as well as psychosocial assessment s of clients across the lifespan.

Intended learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding:

1- Define nursing process.

2- Identify the different steps in nursing process.

3- Outline the pertinent data in history taking.

4- Determine the normal and abnormal structures in cephalocaudal assessment.

Mental skills:

1- Differentiate nursing process from nursing procedures.

2- Distinguish the steps in nursing process.

3- Familiarize with the sequence of history taking of clients.

4- Identify variations in the assessment findings.

5- Integrate principles of health assessment, safe and effective clinical decision making and basic nursing intervention.

Scientific and professional skills:

1- Utilize correctly nursing process principles.

2- Apply the steps in nursing process

3- Use appropriate communication skills in history taking.

4- Distinguish varied findings of assessment results to appropriate therapeutic interventions.

General skills:

1- Perform comprehensive health assessment across the lifespan culturally sensitive.

2- Demonstrate capacity to provide accurate assessment data using appropriate terminology.

3- Communicate verbally and in writing in a professional manner with the patient,families, and members of the health care team.

4- Integrate knowledge in health assessment in assisting clients in their activities and interventions.

5- Develop critical thinking skills.

Teaching and learning methods

1- Lecture

2 -discussion

Methods of assessments

• Midterm exam 30%.

• Final exam 60%.

• Assignments/HWs/Quizzes 10%.

Course Outline

Review of nursing process

Health history taking guidelines: Interview

Health history: personal profile, chief complaints, past health history…

Techniques in physical assessment

Sequence of PE: Face

Physical examination of Ears , Eyes , Nose, Mouth Neck

Assessment of the Breast

Circulatory system assessment

Abdominal Assessment

Musculo skeletal system Assessment

Genito – urinary system assessment

Nervous system assessment

Documentation of Findings